Quirky, Honest, Soulful

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Bar Mitzvah at The Temple and the Trolley Barn in Atlanta

Sam's amazing Bar Mitzvah celebration started early one Saturday morning at The Temple and ended the next afternoon at his home in Oakhurst. The highlight of Saturday morning, Sam chanting the Torah and delivering his Dvar Torah, an interpretation of a passage from the Torah, took place away from the camera. (Photography is not allowed during Shabbat services.)

The party on Saturday night was a different story. Friends and family, as well as myself, took photographs of activities from beginning to end. And talk about awesome photo opportunities. Everywhere you looked folks were dancing, throwing confetti, lighting candles or jumping up and down for joy.

Activities slowed a bit on Sunday morning, but food and fun still abounded.

Here's a slideshow of favorites to give you a sense of how the two days went down.

See more of our Bar Mitzvah Photography here.